Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Questionnaire of the first edition of the Vietnam Best Sommelier Competition in French wines

Questionnaire of the first edition of the
Vietnam Best Sommelier Competition in French wines

Candidate number

Note (filled by judge)
          / 249

  1. Identify the grape varieties (15 pts) (1/4pt / good answer)
Petit Verdot


Pinot Meunier





Terret Noir




Pinot Beurot

Cabernet Franc

Pinot Noir

Grenache Noir

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1.    List 10 grape varities of Alsace vineyards? (5 pts)

2.    What is the most famous Clos of the town of Hunawihr? (1 pt)

3.    What is a « Gentil » ? (1 pt)

4.    What wine doesn’t exist anymore in Alsace since 1988? (1 pt)

5.    What is the name of the bottles used in Alsace ? (1 pt)

6.    Under which appellation  is sold a wine made of the same grape variety coming from two different Grands Crus? (1 pt)

7.    Which varieties are authorized to figure as “Late Haverst” or “Selection de Grains nobles”? (4 pts)

8.    What is the lastest AOC in Asalce from 1976? (1 pt)

9.    In which year was the AOC Alsace created ? (1Pt)
o 1962                o 1965                        o 1966

10.              Name 3 grape varieties that are part of the composition of Crémant d’Alsace (3 Pts)

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1.      List 4 satellite appellations of Saint Emilion? (2 pts)

2.      How many wines were classified in the 1855? Please specify the regions (4 pts)

3.      What is the smallest A.O.C. of Medoc ? (1 pt)

4.      How many Saint-Emilion Premier(s) Cru(s) Classé(s) were classified in 1996? (1 pt)

5.      What is the appellation of the red wines produced on Barsac, Sauternes and Entre-deu- mers ? (1 pt)

6.      What do the following Sauternes vintages remind you? (2 pts)
- 1910    - 1915  - 1930  - 1964  - 1972  - 1974  - 1992  - 2012

7.      List the villages (communes) of A.O.C. Margaux (5 pts)

8.    What are the 3 chateaux AOC Graves and Pessac-Léognan that are classified only for their white wine? (3 pts)

9.    List the appellations of the Bordeaux vineyards that produce sweet wines. (6 pts)

10.  Fill the table below  (5 Pts) (1/4 Pt per right line)
Château Haut Bages Liberal

Château La Tour Carnet

Château Climens

Château Langoa-Barton

Château Cantenac-Brown

Château D’Arche

Château  Montrose

Château Palmer

Château Figeac

Château Rauzan-Segla

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1.        List 3 varieties of red grapes from Beaujolais vineyard (2 pts)

2.        Which cru of Beaujolais is located at the most southern part of Beaujolais ? (1 pt)

3.        How many Grands Crus are there in the Côte de Beaune ? (1 pt)

4.        What is the regional appellation that produces only white wine? (1 pt)

5.                       Name the A.O.C. villages of Côte Chalonnaise that produce only red wines (3 pts)

6.                       List the 10 A.O.C. Grand Cru white wine of Burgundy. (5 pts)

7.    List the Grands Crus of A.O.C. Aloxe-Corton. (3 pts)

8.    List the Grands Crus located in the village of Vosne-Romanée ? (8 pts)

9.    Name 3 grands crus from A.O.C Chablis ? (3 Pts)

10.    Name 10 crus from Beaujolais ? (5pts)  (½ Pt / Réponse)

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1.                        Name the different types of Champagne according to the dosage of liqueur? (7 pts)
- 0 gr / litre                    
- 0 to 6 grs / litre                       
- below 12 grs / litre     
- 12 to 17 grs / litre       
- 17 to 32 grs / litre       
- 32 to 50 grs / litre       
- Above 50 grs / litre     

2.    What is the right amount of sugar required to produce bubble (prise de mousse)? (1 pt)     

     p 18,63 grs / litre        p 21 grs / litre             p 24 grs / litre

3.    What is the pressure in bars in the bottle after the bubble production (prise de mousse)? (1 pt)

     p 6 Bars                     p 3,5 Bars                  p 4,5 Bars

4.    What does B.S.A. mean in Champagne ? (1 pt)

5.    Which colour(s) and what type of wine(s) are the Coteaux Champenois ? (2 pts)

6.    What is the oldest house of Champagne ? (1 pt)

7.    What are the permitted grape varieties for a 100% Grand Cru Champagne? (2 pts)

8.                       Give the content of these flasks in centilitres ? (5 pts)
- Le Quart                  
- Le Jéroboam
- Le Réhoboam          
- Le Balthazar
- Salomon                   

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1.    What type and what colours are the wines from (2 pts) :
- A.O.C. Coteaux de Saumur
- A.O.C. Saumur                           

2.    What are the 2 A.O.C Val de Loire that make only rosé wine? (2 pts)

3.    What is the river that rims the A.O.C. Quart de Chaumes? (1 pt)

4.    What is the A.O.C . Val de Loire that names a cheese and a wine appellation?
(1 pt)

5.    What is the other name of the grape variety « Melon de Bourgogne »? (1 pt)

6.    What grape variety produces dry, semi-dry, sweet and sparkling wines? (1 Pt)

7.    Which grape variety(ies) are used in these two A.O.C.? (2 pt)

- Pouilly-sur-Loire 

- Pouilly Fumé                   

8.    Name the 2 grape varities used in A.O.C. Bourgueil and Saint Nicolas de Bourgueil and give the pourcentages of each. (2 Pts)

9.    Name the 4 regions that are part of the Loire Valley (2 pts) (1/2 pt / right answer)

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1.    With which specific mention can the AOC Hermitage be declared and presented? (2 pts)

2.    What are the grape varities of the A.O.C Tavel? (4 pts)

3.    What are the grape varities that are at the same time red and white ? (2 pts)

4.    What is the name of the official bottle of Châteauneuf du Pape ? (1 pt)

5.    What is the appellation of the left bank of the Rhone that produces the 3 colors of wine (white, rosé, red) ? (1 pt)

6.    What is the name of the Vin de Pays of the Rhone Valley? (1 pt)

7.    What type(s) of wine is/are produced in these appellations? (4 pts)
- Lirac                           
- Tavel                           
- Châteauneuf du Pape 
- Gigondas                    

8.    What is the symbolic name of the Jaboulet house for 2 large red and white wines of the AOC Hermitage? (2 pts)



1.    What are the different appellations of Muscat in the Languedoc -Roussillon region? (5 pts)

2.    List the Vins de Pays from Languedoc-Roussillon ? (7 pts)

3.    What are the main white grape varities of the A.O.C. Minervois? (3 pts)

4.    What are the types of wines produced in the A.O.C. Clairette de Die ? (2 pts)

5.    What are the A.O.C. that can be produced in the village of Banyuls-sur-mer? (3 pts)

6.    What are the denominations that complete the A.O.C. Banyuls Grand Cru? (3 pts)

7.    What are the minimum durations of aging time for the A.O.C . Banyuls Grand Cru and the wines of Maury? (2 pts)
- Banyuls                      

- Maury             

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1.                       What are the other names of the following grape varities? (3 pts)
- Poulsard  

- Chardonnay

2.                       What types of wine are produced under the AOC Etoile? (3 pts)

3.                       With what type of grape is the Straw wine (Vin de Paille) made from ? (2 pts)

4.                       Which grape variety from Jura is an excellent table grape ? (1 pt)

5.                       What important event is celebrated at the beginning of the year in Jura? (1 pt)

/ 10


1 point per right answer

1.    What are the four denominations found in the Côtes de Provence appellation?
A- Sainte Victoire / Fréjus / La Londe / Pierrefeu
B-  Bandol / Tavel / Cassis / Bellet
C-  Luberon / Languedoc / Côtes du Rhône / Roussillon

2.    Which pest, originally from the USA, destroyed almost all of France and Provence’s vineyards from 1880?
A- Phylloxera
B-  Mildew
C-  Powdery mildew

3.    What is the recommended serving temperature for young, dry rosés?
A- Room temperature
B-  Between 8° and 10°
C-  Between 6° and 8°

4.    In which year did the French rosé consumption overtake white wine consumption?
A- 1994
B-  2004
C-  Never

5.    France is the global leader of rosé production, but what percent of the world’s rosés are produced there?
A- 29%
B-  17%
C-  14%

6.    France is the global leader of rosé consumption by what percentage?
A- 37%
B-  12%
C-  9%

7.    What is the typical maceration time for Provence rosés that are produced via maceration on skins?
A- 2 to 20 minutes
B-  2 to 20 hours
C-  2 to 20 days

8.    How are AOP Provence rosés vinified?
A- Blending juices, followed by maceration and fermentation
B-  Vinification of each grape variety separately followed by blending
C-  Blending of red and white wine

9.    Provence rosés are made with:
A- Only red grape varieties
B-  Possible to use red grape varieties and white grape varieties
C-  Systematic blending of red and white grape varieties

10.                        AOP Provence rosés require a minimum of how many grape varieties in the blend?
A- One is enough
B-  At least two
C-  At least three

11.    Why does harvest in Provence take place by night?
A- It is a tradition that is respected in memory of Provence’s first winemakers
B-  So the harvesters don’t get too hot
C-  To reduce the temperature of the harvest and limit the risk of oxidation

12.                        How many AOPs are found in Provence?
A- 3
B-  6
C-  9

13.                        Compared to other French wine regions, when does harvest begin in Provence?
A- First
B-  In the middle
C-  Last

14.                        In France, we consume:
A- More white wine than rosé
B-  More rosé than white wine
C-  The same quantity of rosé and white wine

15.                        Why do Provence’s vineyards benefit from the Mistral?
A- It dries the vines and prevents diseases
B-  It refreshes the grapes
C-  It lends the grapes a slightly salty taste

16.                        Rolle, an indigenous Provencal grape variety, is known elsewhere by a different name. Which one?
A- Vermentino
B-  Mourvaison
C-  Picpoul

          / 16

1.        What is : (4 pts)
- Pineau des Charentes    

- Floc de Gascogne         

- Cognac              

- Armagnac                     

2.        What is : (4 pts)
- Calvados                       

- Cidre                             

- Pommeau                      

- Poiré                              

3.        Through what processes do you get a spirit? (3 pts)

4.    List the different Crus Cognac. (3 pts)

5.    What is the Fine Champagne ? (1 pt)


             / 15

Fill the the table (1 point per right line)

White Wine
- 10°
10° - 12°
Ice bucket
Wine cooler
2008 Riesling Grand Cru

2010 Sauternes Cru Classé

2012 Pouilly Fuissé

2012 Pouilly Fumé

2012 Crozes Hermitage

2013 Condrieu

2013 Châteauneuf du Pape

2000 Châteauneuf du Pape

2013 Entre deux mers

1996 Vin Jaune

Red Wine
14° - 16°
16° - 18°
18° - 20°
2012 Saumur Champigny

2010 Chinon Magnum

2009 Beaujolais Fleurie

2012 Gamay de Touraine

2010 Château Palmer

2003 Château Soutard

2001 Château Fieuzal

1995 Hermitage

1985 Musigny

1970 Romanée St Vivant

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Complete the map:


carte des vins de france

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